Circuit Office
Office Information: Address: 6333 MS Hwy 9, Ste 109, Walthall, MS 39771 Phone: (662) 258-6287 Clerk: Wanda B. Robinson Deputy Clerk: Nicole Hernandez
Welcome to the Webster County Circuit Clerk's page. The duties of the Circuit Clerk and her Deputy Clerks are:
- Receive and file civil suits and issue summons
- Receive and file criminal cases that have been indicted by a Grand Jury
- Issue a capias for the defendant; issue criminal trial subpoenas
- Serve as clerk of the Circuit Court which includes preparing for recall and term Grand Juries and preparing for docket settings and arraignments
- Webster County Circuit Court begins the second Monday of January an the third Monday of June
- Maintain all docket books including civil, criminal, Judge's docket, Grand Jury dockets, and subpoena dockets
- Maintain Circuit Court minute books, marriage books and indictment books
- Draw jurors, prepare summons and executions
- Manage all county elections, assist Election Commissioners, redistricting
- Updates issues by legislature
- Register citizens to vote
- Maintain qualifying records and fees of candidates
- Issue marriage licenses and filing of statistical records with State Vital Records
- Record medical and other professional licenses
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